Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Site Write Entry #26: Beauty in the Strangest Places

Prompt: June 1, 2012 - What's an unusual/weird item/person/place that your character finds beauty in?
. . . . . "It just falls so wonderfully off the tongue!"
. . . . . "It's too short."
. . . . . "But that's what makes it wonderful!"
. . . . . Athos crossed his arms and scowled across the little wooden table dinner had been set upon on the ship they were taking down the Kalimdor coast. "What's wrong with Djemiiliak?" Of course, that came out sounding - to a Draenei speaker - more like "What is wrong with Green-Beast-Lumbers-With-Grace?" 
. . . . . "It's unwieldy." Diyos picked up a long loaf of bread from the plate between them and waved one end of it at his brother. "It's unnecessarily long and lacks the elegant grace of a shorter name."
. . . . . "It's human," Athos protested, leaning back before he was beaned by a loaf.
. . . . . "I know! It's great! It's so succinct and solid and it's just got grace to it that our own language can't quite encapsulate. I'm going to rename him to Jim." To a Draenei speaker, that sounded a lot like "I am going to rename him to Jim."  
. . . . . Athos grimaced at the distastefully abrupt syllable. "Haven't you damaged that elekk enough?"
. . . . . "Hey!" The loaf was more aggressive now. "It's entirely not my fault he thinks he's a squirrel."
. . . . . "You encourage it!"
. . . . . "I do not!"
. . . . . Athos closed his eyes for a moment, and as his hand was coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose - as if to stave off a headache - BAM! right between the eyes with the crusty end of a loaf of bread. He batted it aside and shook a finger at his elder brother. "You should've given him back to the handlers so he could be retrained."
. . . . . "It's not a matter of retraining. He hit his head! The handlers would've put him down for such an injury."
. . . . . "Put him out of his misery, you mean."
. . . . . "Jim is not miserable! He's a very happy squirrelekk."

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